CEREC One Visit Crown
We are proud and and excited to offer one visit crowns, inlays, and onlays to all of our busy patients. With our CEREC one visit crown systems, there are no conventional "gooey" impressions, no temporaries that can be sensitive or come off and no time consuming second visit to cement the permanent crown. We are able to get all of this done in one convenient visit!
Benefits include:
- Beautiful, bonded restorations that mimic natural tooth structure - they blend right in
- More conservative dentistry because we do not need to grind teeth into "nubs" for all restorations
- Quality control is maintained from start to finish - we fabricate your restoration from a precise digital impression of your teeth right in our office
- Did we mention NO SECOND VISIT?
We understand that people are busier than ever. What used to take two visits can now be done in one. Call us today at (760) 746 2525 for an appointment and come see what modern, convenient dentistry is all about!!!